When trying to fall pregnant, timing is everything. Ovulation Monitoring or Ovulation Tracking is a simple process that helps you identify your most fertile days of each month. This will help you plan intercourse and hopefully increase your chances of conception.
Ovulation Monitoring is a good first step towards maximising your chance of conceiving naturally. With ovulation cycle monitoring, there’s no need for invasive fertility treatments, medication or surgery.
The couple who are young and reveal no major problems at initial screening are offered ovulation tracking for a few cycles. They are also given information regarding the fertile period.
In this method, fertility experts at Santasa IVF monitor the development of an egg in the woman followed by ultrasound scanning and the couple is advised to have intercourse on the most fertile days. In young couples, this method improves the chances of conceiving naturally.
Even if you have irregular periods fertility experts at Santasa can help you understand more accurately when your fertile window is, simply by tracking your ovulation cycle.